Seattle Public Schools

Enrollment Planning

Student Assignment Plan

How are students assigned in Seattle Public Schools?

Elementary, middle, and high school students are first assigned to an attendance area school based on where the student lives. Individual school attendance area maps are on our School Directory page. To view attendance area school assignments for elementary, middle, and high school students using your current address, use the address lookup tool.

Option schools offer a variety of approaches and instructional methods. Students must apply to attend an option school. Option schools are available for students at all grade levels.

Several other schools and services are available to meet individual student needs. Students may request assignment to an option school with continuous enrollment and/or may be referred there and assigned as individually appropriate. Unlike attendance area schools and option schools, students may transition into or out of option schools with continuous enrollment during the school year.

Student Assignment Transition Plan for 2022-23

The Student Assignment Transition Plan for 2022-23 was approved by the Seattle School Board on February 9, 2022. This continues most of the assignment rules in effect during 2021-22. A summary of the major changes is below:

  • Update the move rules: students who move to a different attendance area school have the option to remain at their current school through the highest grade offered.
  • Update services and programs to include the new Virtual Option Pilot Program (VOPP) created for 2021-22.
  • Rename Bilingual Orientation Center to the Newcomer Program.

Student Assignment Transition Plan for 2021-22

The Student Assignment Transition Plan for 2021-22 was approved by the Seattle School Board on January 27, 2021.

The Student Assignment Transition Plan for 2021-22 continues most of the assignment rules in effect during 2020-21. A summary of the changes is below.

For 2021-22 the amendment that put a hold on new assignments to Mercer International Middle School during the 2020-21 school year is lifted. Students who move into the attendance area will be assigned to Mercer International Middle School. Impacted students will remain assigned to their current middle school.

Other updates to the Student Assignment Transition Plan:

  • Remove the separate Montessori choice and contemporary programs at Daniel Bagley.
  • Clarify language about the International Baccalaureate program to more accurately describe the program.
  • Update the name for South Lake High School to Sugiyama High School.
  • Update ‘English Language Learners’ (ELL) to ‘English Learners’ (EL).

Student Assignment Transition Plan for 2020-21

An amendment was made on Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2020. The Seattle School Board approved the STEMbyTAF academic model at Washington Middle School, beginning with 6th grade in the 2020-21 school year. As a result, highly capable (HC) students at Washington will be served in a blended model. Related materials can be found on the Board’s meeting agenda page.

Previously, the Seattle School Board approved the 2020-21 SATP at their meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2019.

Other 2020-21 changes are summarized below:

  • Changing the location of Licton Springs K-8 to the Whitman service area and updating the Licton Springs GeoZone to extend to the west boundary of the district;
  • Expansion of the GeoZones for Cleveland HS, Cedar Park ES, South Shore PK-8, Hazel Wolf K-8, Orca K-8, Salmon Bay K-8, Boren STEM K-8 and Thornton Creek ES to align GeoZones with walk zones;
  • Increase of the native/heritage set aside to 20% from 15% for John Stanford (JSIS) and McDonald International Schools; and
  • Advanced Learning (AL) assignment language and tiebreakers to reflect the fact that all schools offer AL programming and eligible students will be assigned to AL at their attendance area school.

The 2009 Student Assignment Plan is an historical document that details many of the principles of the current plan. The Superintendent’s Procedures for Student Assignment sets forth the implementation of the policies established by the Board in the 2009 Student Assignment Plan and the Student Assignment Transition Plan for 2021-22. These documents are the guides for Admissions and other district staff and must be viewed as integrated companions to fully understand student assignment.

Changes to the Superintendent’s Procedures for Student Assignment for 2021-22:

  • Update the native speaker set-aside definition for Dual Language Immersion option schools to a student whose first language (or one of their first languages) is the target language. More information available on the School Choice and Open Enrollment page.
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